GOD FORBID Guitarist Doc Coyle On Band's Next Record: "We Really Want To Take Our Time"

June 5, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

AnarchyMusic.net has issued an interview with GOD FORBID guitarist Doc Coyle. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You're pretty much taking the summer off to do a new record right?

A: "That's the plan, unless something comes out of the woodwork where some huge bands asks us to go out or something crazy that you really can't say no to. The idea is to start working on the next record. We really want to take our time, not rush it and get something out just to get it out."

Q: Since, you're not going to do it, what are your thoughts on the "free" Ozzfest?

A: "More power to them. I think last year they struggled. I guess ticket sales weren't as good as they have been. Obviously, Ozzy is getting older. Every year could always be the last. Honestly I feel like the line-up is a bit weak overall, so you kind of get what you pay for. That's not to say that bands like Lamb Of God and Hatebreed aren't awesome, but it's not what you think of when you think Ozzfest. When we did it it was Judas Priest, Slayer and Slipknot, these massive, massive arena bands. It was a big deal."

Read the full interview at this location.

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