SCARVE Drummer Dirk Verbeuren - "I’m Still Very Involved In And Enthusiastic About The Band I Co-formed In 1993"

June 6, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news scarve

SCARVE drummer Dirk Verbeuren has issued another statement following the departure of singer Pierrick Valence:

"What's up folks? It's been a while, but finally I'm back with some blasting news!

Let's begin with Scarve... our latest album The Undercurrent has received an excellent response from press and fans alike, proving that despite some recent line-up changes, we're still very much alive and kicking! As a matter of fact, Scarve will be performing at the Hellfest and Graspop festivals later this month. Find out more on our brand new official webpage, courtesy of mastermind Dan McCaulley.

Now on to the new SOILWORK record which is in the process of being mixed. The rough versions I've heard so far sound extremely enticing, to say the least! This album is going to have a very natural, warm, yet powerful production, and that counts for the drums too. As for Speed's vocals, they will make you crap your diapers! I honestly can't wait till this monster is done. Meanwhile, don't miss our upcoming festival appearances at Hard Rock Laager and Ilosaari Rock. All details are on the official Soilwork website.

You know I love to blast, and I know you love that shit too! So better make sure to catch Inventory Of Fixtures, the new Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition album which is out now on Bizarre Leprous Productions. There’s also a vinyl version limited to 500 copies which can be ordered from EveryDayHate Records. This record will grind you to the bone!

To end this update with some less relevant news, I'll take a moment to clarify a few things in regards to ex-Scarve vocalist Pierrick Valence’s most recent declarations. First off, I fully contributed to the writing of The Undercurrent. Pierrick’s statement regarding my involvement in the making of this album is completely untrue; then again, his total absence at our rehearsals probably explains his ignorance. In an attempt to slander me, Pierrick made another false statement about my abruptly and carelessly leaving my band and my country. The fact is, I’m still an official Scarve member, and I left my native Belgium in 1988. I moved from France last year because I got married; no other reason. Despite the consequences of this personal choice, which transcend far more than Scarve, I’m still very involved in and enthusiastic about the band I co-formed in 1993.

Pierrick’s one-sided attitude comes as no surprise. Once this was an issue Scarve handled behind closed doors; now it’s out in the open. As his first serious band, we’ve supported Pierrick for seven years, yet he still feels the need to slander us, hence our relief about his departure.

Should anyone question my passionate devotion to the underground scene, please feel free to explore the discography and media sections of this site and check out some of the bands I’ve been working with!

As for the requested goodbye: adieu Pierrick. Stay tuned for more news coming up very soon!"

Scarve's new album, The Undercurrent, is available via Listenable Records.

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