KISS Leaves Mark On PGA Tour Player Shaun Micheel

June 8, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard kiss pga

The following story is courtesy of Bryan Robinson/

KISS is leaving its mark on Micheel this season: Shaun Micheel’s friendship with the rock band KISS has been well-documented over the years. But he’s taken it to a new level this season, getting the band’s logo embroidered on his golf bag. Micheel had a matching bag made for Tommy Thayer, the band’s lead guitarist, who played with Micheel in Wednesday’s pro-am. Later, the duo played some guitar together at the Eagle’s Nest.

“I was just looking for something unique to put on the bag, and I asked Tommy and the guys in the band, and they were happy to have it on there,” Micheel said. “I get a lot of comments every week about it, Do I know them? Do they sponsor me? But it’s more for fun. I’m trying to support them and get them in the (Rock ‘n Roll) Hall of Fame up in Cleveland.”

Thayer said Micheel, in golf terms, was about “an 18 handicap” on the guitar.

“We keep in touch, and I help him with some guitar tips, and he helps me with some golf tips,” Thayer said. “It’s a mutual admiration exchange.”

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