QUEEN Guitarist To Be Honored Twice In July

June 9, 2007, 17 years ago

queen news rock hard

The following update has been posted at QUEEN guitarist Brian May's official website:

"Not only will Brian receive a 'Birthday Honour'.... (his birthday - July 19) when he will attend Liverpool Anglican Cathedral to receive a Fellowship of Liverpool John Moores University (ceremony to be webcast here ), Brian is also being honoured earlier in the month by Exeter University.

On July 10, Brian will attend on the first day of the Summer 2007 Graduation Ceremonies at Exeter University, when he will be recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Science Award. (DSc)

Exeter University's Honorary awards are made to those who are eminent in their field or have made an outstanding contribution to academic endeavor and to society, particularly where there has been a close involvement with the University."

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