ATHEIST's Kelly Shaefer: "This Will Be It People"

June 14, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news atheist

ATHEIST vocalist Kelly Shaefer checks in with the following update:

"Well we are about to embark on our final trip to the other side of the Earth for three shows that promise to be amazing. We start in Bucharest, Romania, and then we do Graspop in Belgium, and Helfest in France, both of those are hummers, big ones!!

The travel is a bitch, but once we are there, we will have a blast I am certain. We will be coming with some new shirts, they have all of the shows that we have done on this reunion thing starting with Bloodstock last July!

We are also bring back the very popular multi-album design on this run, so save your pennies and grab 'em while you can at the shows. We want to meet as many of you as possible, so if you see us say hello, OK?

I wish to thank Decible Magazine for including yours truly in the Top 20 Death Metal Guitarists, that's a big honor, and I am humbled!

Just posted some new pics from Chicago Powerfest taken by our friend Michael... shit what was his last name Coles... well send me a letter bro and correct my stoned ass will ya? Looking forward to meeting up with friends that we have made over the net in the last year such as Matei, we will be having lunch at his g mas house isn't that cool? We are also looking forward to meeting Eva from Transylvania, she is a great artist that we met in Germany, and we have kept in touch, and hopefully our friend Rony from Israel, she will attempt to make the Romanian show... after all this will be it people, we hope you can all make one or all of the shows.

Right now Tony Choy and the gang are up in Atlanta rehearsing, I will meet up with them in NYC for our 11 hour journey to Romania, we will post all of our pics and blogs when we return, if we get a chance to get to a computer, we will post from over in Europe. We hope to get GNOSTIC in the studio by September to record the debut monster of a record that will be. STARRFACTORY is slowly rolling.

Slow and steady wins the race!"

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