CATTLE DECAPITATION Launch YouTube Channel To Document Summer Slaughter Tour

June 14, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news cattle decapitation

California-based grinders CATTLE DECAPITATION have issued the following update:

"Cattle Decapitation in cooperation with Cain (our graphics and all around consultant and Eric Rutan lookalike) have started a YouTube channel to document live vids and backstage action on the Summer Slaughter Tour!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!

Follow that link or just search Summer Slaughter on and witness the brutality!!! So far we have only had time to get 3 vids from Cattle's performances but there are MANY MORE COMING!!! We have TONS of footage and when we drop Cain off in San Diego tomorrow, he'll start uploading more for your gory viewing pleasure!!!"

Upcoming Cattle Decapitation live dates can be found here.

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