SATHANAS - New Album Due In August

June 15, 2007, 17 years ago

news life in black sathanas

US black/death metallers SATHANAS completed the recording sessions for their new CD, Crowned Infernal, several weeks ago at InnerTube Studios in Ambridge, Pennsylvania with producer Nick Kucel. The master discs have arrived at Necromorbus Studios in Stockholm, Sweden for final mixing and mastering at the hands of Tore Stjerna. Crowned Infernal is expected to be released in August via Singapore's Pulverised Records.

Upcoming Sathanas live dates are as follows:


9 - Peabody's Downunder - Cleveland, OH (opening for NILE)


18 - Peabody's Downunder - Cleveland, OH (opening for OVERKILL, DARK FUNERAL with NAGLAFAR, DAATH and THE AGONIST)

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