DUSKMACHINE Featuring Ex-ANNIHILATOR Members Still Alive And Kicking

June 19, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news duskmachine annihilator

DUSKMACHINE, featuring PRIMAL FEAR drummer Randy Black, ex-ANNIHILATOR bassist Russ Bergquist and guitarist Nikolia Wurk have issued the following update:

"Just a quick update to show that we still exist! Currently we are still looking for a new singer but hope to present someone in the near future. We are also working on new songs for our second album. So far we have basic versions for seven tracks, but there will definitely be more. Everything is still in the planning stage, so it's too early to say how it will sound in the end. There will be more updates in the future, so we keep you up to date!"

For more information on the band go to this location. To check out DuskMachine audio samples go to www.myspace.com/duskmachine.

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