TWISTED INTO FORM Guitarist: "I'm Really Pleased To See That Our Music Hits Home..."

June 27, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news twisted into form has issued an interview with guitarist Kaj Gornitzka (ex-SPIRAL ARCHITECT of Norwegian techncial prog-metallers TWISTED INTO FORM, conducted by Pete Pardo. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You released your long-awaited debut last year. Are you satisfied with the press and fan reactions?

A: "Absolutely, we have been more or less blown away by all the positive feedback we've received, both in the press and from people in general. The reviews are - with maybe two or three exceptions - stellar, and we are still receiving an even flow of e-mails and messages from individuals everywhere, letting us know how much they enjoy the album. The latter is in fact the most rewarding part of it all, and I'm really pleased to see that our music hits home even outside of the normal tech and prog metal scene; we have been welcomed with open arms by the progressive rock fans, and it seems we're even accepted among some of the more jazz-oriented music lovers. All in all, we're pretty ecstatic!"

Read the full interview at this location.

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