EXHUMED's Matt Harvey Offers Update On Side Projects

July 11, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news exhumed

EXHUMED vocalist/guitarist Matt Harvey has offered the following update regarding his current involvement with a few side projects:

"No, nothing's happening with Exhumed at the moment, but I'm staying busy, mostly with work and moving, but also lots of music shit going on. The new DEKAPITATOR album, The Storm Before The Calm is just about to burst onto the devastated metal landscape with some apocalyptic thrash metal. The album will be out July 24th, but you can get vinyl now from Dan Bulldoze who runs our myspace page at www.myspace.com/dekapitator.

My new metal band, SCARECROW, which is straight up old school metal (hopefully no prefix necessary, but there is some pretty thrashy stuff in there) is about to release a split EP/MCD with LANDMINE MARATHON on Level Plane Records, our first release, so we're very stoked about getting shit out there! You can check it out here.

Also, some old friends of mine in a band called ATHRENODY asked me to contribute vocals to an incomplete demo of theirs from '93 a couple of years ago, and that's finally coming out! The disc will be a split release by 625, De Rok, and To Live a Lie Records. It's old-school NAPALM DEATH / TERRORIZER style grind with some heavy, hardcore style grooves. The disc will be called Crazed Development and you'll be able to get it from any of the above listed purveyors of fine grind."

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