MEGADETH Mainman Dave Mustaine Responds to UN Dispatch Article Challenging The Band's Lyrics

July 11, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news un megadeth

Dave Mustaine has responded to a UN Dispatch Article by Mark Leon Goldberg which challenges the frontman's lyrics to the song 'United Abominations'.

Dave responded by saying the following on the official MEGADETH forums:

"Droogies! Whether my facts are right or wrong, and whether you agree with me or not, I know I have your support most of the time, and that is all that matters.

I would rather feel right and be wrong with the semantics or facts in the song and have expressed my right to free speech, than to feel wrong and be right and sit back, like the rest of the cowards of the world, not saying anything.

I think it is a simple statement, made by a man who loves God, his country, and his family. If that is a problem, then tough!

I do have to say that the writer is very good with his words and most of his points are what I based my lyrics on. And while I thank him for the eloquent way he partially described what I was trying to say with as little bias as possible (which he didn't do 'unbiased' very well), needless to say, we won't be having tea. Ironically, he agrees with me more than he lets on, just read it again.

And as far as my source for the information, it was the very people he allegedly works for - the media - and the place where he voiced his refutation- the internet - where this public information lies. And we all know that everything you read on the internet is troo!

I am glad someone took the worm. Now let's see if anything more than attacking my beliefs or getting personal comes out of this. The first guy from the UN that came after me (yep, this isn't the first time I have been verbally assaulted about this song) made sure to say that he was a bigger fan of my previous band than Megs too, as if that gives him any credibility with metal fans, and again personally attacking me. Whatever! Ah, what would The Sex Pistols have done?

It just makes me more convicted to sing my songs, and in a weird way, I have so much more respect for the protest singers when I grew up that spoke out against the war and the government. It is risky because people live to spin what a person says - i.e. spin doctors (their whole job is to turn something someone says into something else) - and the establishment has been successful at keeping the masses fooled for way too long.

An example of spin would be 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' - or something similar by our ex-President Bill Clinton. And these professionals can also make anyone look foolish or at the least, break them down and silence them, while trying to discredit them. It always gets personal when they run out of ammo. I mean, who hasn't said 'yer mama' at the end of an argument?

One question would be, who is the writer that is complaining? Is he a real writer or some blogger? Does he do news, journalism, or tabloid reporting? Does he represent the UN or the American people or is he just an American like me, and is just venting? And why is he so intent on going after me? Why not use that energy constructively? He is obviously educated well (or has a thesaurus).

Anyway, I would rather be wrong about the lyrics of UA (which is just a song in the end) and have this guy try to explain why I shouldn?t have your love and support, then be right and have no one notice. And it makes me wonder, if I was wrong, why bother with me? I am just a dumb metal guitar player, right?

Bottom line is I am stoked to see you all having this discussion about things that matter to us all. What a victory!!!

We win!!!

We win!!!

We win!!!

I dig it when the Droogs get to have discussions like this because we all win; we all learn something.

In closing, I love you guys and don't let this deter you from what really matters. As I have said before, it's still we the people, right?"

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