TROUBLE Guitarist Rick Wartell: "We Have No Plans Of Doing Another Trouble Album"

July 18, 2007, 17 years ago

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TROUBLE guitarist Rick Wartell spoke to about a number of topics, including the band's latest album, Simple Mind Condition. A portion of the interview is as follows: The producer, Vinny Wojno, was he an obvious choice again?

Wartell: "Well, that was Eric's (Wagner) choice. Personally I didn't want him on the album if you wanna know the truth. I won..t use him again, he was more trouble than he was worth on this record. He cause us delays, he ended up doing a good job but I think that it could have been better. Another producer could have done a better job." What about Rick Rubin?

Wartell: "I think he would have been way better. Obviously. But Rick Rubin and Trouble have parted ways so unless we pay him a couple of million dollars I don't think he will produce our records." He's more busy with Metallica, Slayer and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Vinny Wojno has worked with some more extreme bands like Machine Head and Kreator so Trouble is a little bit different.

Wartell: "Yeah, like I said, the reason we used him was to pacify Eric more than anything. Eric wanted to use him for the vocals and it's kinda hard to use two different producers so we thought we'd just let him do the whole record at that point. So we got what we got." It's a good album. Let's get back to the new album. The front cover is creepy.

Wartell: "That was my thought too, creepy." Is it a real body?

Wartell: "It's a real body." You re-released the first two albums and Plastic Green Head. What about Run To The Light?

Wartell: "Metal Blade won't give it up. For the first two the contract ran out so we took it back from them. Now I think they're a little bit mad at us so they won't give us Run To The Light. Nothing we can do about it." When will you be planning a new album? I'm sure you have leftover material from the recording of Simple Mind Condition.

Wartell: "We have no plans of doing another Trouble album." No plans?

Wartell: "No plans." Is it a one-off deal with Escapi?

Wartell: "It's just a licensing deal, we're free to do whatever we want. So as of right now, there are no plans to do another Trouble record, this is it. What we decide later, we decide later, but right now there are no plans." And no plans?

Wartell: "No plans whatsoever." I hope we won't have to wait another ten years.

Wartell: "I don't know. Can't answer that, there's no decision made yet. I'm sorry, that's all I can say!"

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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