DICK WAGNER - "I Believe That My Recovery Can Be Laid At The Feet Of Every One Of You People Out There"

July 25, 2007, 17 years ago

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DICK WAGNER, best known for his many years as song-writer, lead guitarist and music director for ALICE COOPER, has issued the following update after suffering a life threatening heart attack in early July.

"I have on occasion been able to reach the bottom of my heart for an emotion to define the character of a song. I have been able to feel deep love for certain people and to share the fruits of that love.

I've led an extraordinary/ordinary life. By most standards, I've 'made it' in the music business. I will always be deeply grateful for those years of music and madness.

Today I sit in intensive care at Scottsdale Healthcare, a state of the art hospital facility where the combined skills, compassion and technologies and prayers of thousands of people from around the world were converged on me as I lay dying from a massive heart attack. My kidneys had failed, the prognosis was not good, and I was in a world of hurt. I believe that my current state of recovery can be laid at the feet of every one of you people out there, who showed the tremendous outpouring of love for me and to me in a time of deepest need. My left arm and hand are completely useless, but doctors tell me that with occupational therapy, I should be able to be back playing guitar again.

As much as you've loved me and cared for me, I love and care for you right back, from the bottom of my heart.

Dick Wagner

Summer of 2007"

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