VANISHING POINT Guitarist: "A Timeless Song Is More Important Than A Guitar Riff"

July 26, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news vanishing point has issued an interview with VANISHING POINT guitarist Tommy Vucur, conducted by Militia. The following is an excerpt:

Q: As a guitarist how important is the practice time and do you learn new things as you go along? How often do you practice?

A: "In your early stages as a player it's very important, 'cause as you get older you won't have any time [laughs]. I never did any exercises, that's not what its about for me! Everyone should approach it how they like. There are no rules. It's spontaneous.... an artist doesn't practice how to paint? Otherwise it wouldn't be Art?! It's all about the unknown. It's always been melody & song arrangement for me. A timeless song is more important than a guitar riff! Some of the best music ever written has come from mistakes."

Read the full interview here.

As previously reported, Dockyard 1 will release the band's new album, The Fourth Season, on August 24th. The first video from the album for the track 'Surrender' can be viewed here.

The Fourth Season tracklisting: 'Embodiment', 'Tyranny Of Distance', 'Surrender', 'Hope Among The Heartless','Gaia', 'I Within I', 'Behind The Open Door', 'Ashen Sky', 'One Foot In Both Worlds', 'Veil Of Deceit', 'Wake Me', 'A Day Of Difference'.

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