The Differences Between DEF LEPPARD And GUNS N ROSES

August 10, 2007, 16 years ago

news rock hard guns def leppard roses

In a recent interview with the, DEF LEPPARD singer Joe Elliott is happy to discuss the differences between his band and GUNS N ROSES. Excerpts from the chat follow: So what specifically makes you so different from Guns N’ Roses?

Elliott: "OK, I’ll tell you this. For a long time the Rolling Stones had the tag of the most dangerous band in the world, but I’ve never heard of them going on at midnight. If they were due on at nine, they came on at nine. If you’re going to be a dangerous band you don’t have to do it like Axl did where you piss off as many people as you pleasure. With us it’s all about the pleasure. We don’t have an agenda and we don’t try and court the press to make us look better than we are or worse then we are. We get on with it." Why don’t you get into all the rock star antics that made G N’R so wild?

Elliot: "I think that in part it’s because were British. There’s a romance to a British band that is different than American bands. As dangerous as The Who were, there was still a kind of gentlemanly conduct about them. It was all champagne and cravats even with the cocaine and smashing guitars. Even with Zeppelin there was a mildness to their rape and pillage, as opposed to the ridiculous Hollywood version of the thing in the ’80s where it was all bandanas and headbands and everybody pretending to be out of it. We were always in control with our business managers and accountants."

Click here to read the full interview!


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