EXODUS Guitarist On The Early Days - "It Felt Pretty Damn Great To Know You Were Creating Something New"

August 10, 2007, 16 years ago

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Gary Singh of MetroActive.com recently conducted an interview with EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

On whether Exodus' first album, Bonded By Blood, will be in a car commercial someday:

"Hell, 'Deathamphetamine' from our last album was used in a K&N; air filters commercial, so we're halfway there. But the next [album] is as sick and dark as anything done before, and we'll continue doing just that as long as I'm enjoying myself."

On Exodus going through a new rebirth:

"Look at our last two records. They are amazing slabs of metal, and when you hear the new one, you'll realize that very few bands are able to put out back-to-back to back releases with the fire and intensity of ours. The new album is a genre-defining moment for us and thrash in general, and we as a band feel more inspired and motivated than any time before."

On Exodus' early live shows:

"Everyone had a good time, even if they were bleeding. It's really hard to explain what it was like to people who weren't there. There was a sense of community going on, everybody supported each other and went to each other's shows, when we weren't playing together, that is. It was pretty nuts though. You had [Paul] Baloff and myself tormenting the poseurs [glam metal bands]; general mayhem was the norm, especially at Exodus shows. It was pretty much a well-known fact that our shows were the most violent you could find anywhere. ANTHRAX played after us at the Kabuki theatre and they were heckled — something awful. And this is Anthrax, not some glam band. But it felt pretty damn great to know you were creating something new."

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