PRO-PAIN Add Dates In Germany, France To Tour Schedule
August 15, 2007, 17 years ago
PRO-PAIN recently announced a string of European tour dates starting in September with ZUUL FX and DEMIA as support.
New dates in Germany and France have now been added to the schedule.
Dates are as follows:
14 - Moscow, Russia - Point Club (Tochka) **15 - Essen, Germany - Turock (New Date)
16 - Dresden, Germany - Thrillbeats Club
17 - Warsawa, Poland - Progresja
18 - Wroclaw, Poland - WZ
19 - Sokolov, Czech Republic - Dk
20 - Prague, Czech Republic - Rock Cafe
22 - Nitra, Slovakia - Stara Pekaren
23 - Graz, Austria - PPC
24 - Traun, Austria - Alte Spinnerei
25 - Sursee, Switzerland - Kulturwerk 118
26 - Biel, Switzerland - Gaskessel
27 - Colmar, France - Le Grillen
28 - Lyon, France - Le Cco
29 - Limoges, France - La Fourmie
30 - Barcelona, Spain - Mephisto Club
1 - Bordeaux, France - Le BT59 (New Date)2 - Paris, France - La Loco
3 - Bonn, Germany - Klangstation
4 - Trier, Germany - Exhaus
5 - Dordrecht, Netherlands - Bibelot
6 - Helmond, Netherlands - Plato
7 - Brussels, Belgium - Magasin 4
** Pro-Pain only