FARSOT - New Album Due In October; Audio Sample Available

August 18, 2007, 17 years ago

news life in black farsot

Imperiumi.net is reporting: "With a single demo entitled '042103Freitod', FARSOT fathomed the boundaries of raw and cold black metal in 2004, and with their debut album IV, soon to be released via Lupus Lounge, they will enrich the genre with their very own crushing visions of the dark depths of the human psyche. In tracks changing between unpredictability and catchiness, this young band from Germany eschews crude sensationalism in order to penetrate subtly and insistently those dreaded corners of the soul that lurk within us all. Firmly rooted in dark black metal, Farsot succeed in orchestrating musical contrasts in such an unexpected way, thus captivating the listener, that when hearing the final track of the album, you won't be asking yourself in what way gentle female choirs and BURZUM-esque darkness augment each other ... IV will be released on October the 29th as the first of five albums to be published by Lupus Lounge."

An audio sample from IV can be heard here.

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