KISS - KISSology: Volume 2: 1978 - 1991 Easter Eggs Revealed

September 9, 2007, 17 years ago

news kiss rarities is reporting:

"Two easily overlooked little gems can be found on KISSology Volume 2 so we thought we’d list them here as well. Insert the third disc of the DVD set and on the Main Menu select the 'Credits' menu entry. Watch the credits and make sure you keep it running all the way to the end and you will see a 2-minute home video made by Eric Carr of himself in his hospital bed after he had open heart surgery on April 12, 1999.

Another hidden gem can be found on the disc's Main Menu. Press the 'Up' arrow key to highlight the 'KISSology' logo and then press the 'Enter' key to unlock it. You will now get to see a one-minute clip of Gene Simmons being interviewed with Mark St. John, who was the lead guitarist on only one KISS album, Animalize, when he first joined the band in 1984. Sadly, the clip ends stating that St. John died in early 2007."

Complete KISSology Vol. 2 details can be found here.

(Thanks Jason Soehnlein, Bill Cronauer)

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