DEMIURG Returns; Working On New Album

September 12, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news demiurg

Sweden's DEMIURG , the spawn of PAGANIZER/RIBSPREADER mainman Rogga Johansson and Dan Swanö (EDGE OF SANITY, NIGHTINGALE), check in with the following update from drummer Ed Warby:

"In brooding darkness Rogga has been working on the follow-up to Breath Of The Demiurg, conjuring up the most wicked of demons and translating their obscene vocalisations and unspeakable utterings into punishing riffs and melodies...

Well, it sounds better than just 'hey guys, we're working on our new album', right?

Either way, it's coming. The new Demiurg. When, you ask? Hellspawn like these seldom announce their appearance, they just... appear. Suffice to say for now that when it does in fact appear, you will know it's there by the palpable sense of fear and dread that surrounds it...

Ok, seriously. Rogga has put together a batch of incredible songs and for the past few weeks we've been moulding these songs into a fucken beast, a monolith of an album. Guitar, vox and bass were recorded in Sweden, after which the drums were done in 3 days of malevolent pounding by yours truly in the Netherworlds (ok, ok, I mean the Netherlands). The final touches (sinister synths, lascivious leads, majestic mix) have been added by Dan and the beast is now nearing completion.

It's power is so great that it nearly drove Dan off the road when he tried playing it in his car...

Cheers, Ed."

Stay tuned for further updates.

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