DIRTY RIG Announce New Singer

September 20, 2007, 16 years ago

dirty rig news rock hard

New York City/Long Island rock act DIRTY RIG once featuring frontman Kory Clarke (WARRIOR SOUL), have decided it was best to part ways as they couldn't see eye to eye on several important band issues.

Dirty Rig just returned home after their second UK tour supporting their Escapi Music (Ryko/Warner Brothers) release titled Rock Did It.

"We wish Kory all the best in the world with his various projects. Kory is a champ and a lifer in the music scene. He has spent nearly his first 50 years rocking out and we are sure he will be rocking for another 50 years." states the band.

Since returning from their UK Tour, Dirty Rig have auditioned over 60 singers and they now feel they are back to their fighting weight with the new addition of Tom Morrissey as their frontman.

"We are so fucking excited to have Tom leading this band now. Tom can really sing his balls off and he writes some killer melodies. Its a true blessing." adds founding member and bassist Buckshot.

Dirty Rig will be in the September 22nd issue of Classic Rock Magazine that will feature the bands new singer on the magazines upcoming CD sampler. The magazine wanted the band to cover a song that was in a movie so the members of the band decided to run a promotion/contest with Myspace and let the fans determine the out come of the cover song.

"There are so many great songs out there and everyone in the band had a different idea of what song to cover. I wanted to do something by Waylon Jennings or AC/DC, Dave wanted to cover a Rush track, Tom wanted to do a Cheap Trick tune and Buckshot wanted to cover Cockroaches from Killing Technology by Voivod even though that song was never in a movie. So we just said let the fans on Myspace decide. We dont know how this particular song got picked but what ever. We said we would do what ever song was chosen and we did. We always keep our word If you don't keep your word, then you ain't worth squat", recalls Chas, the band's guitarist about the decision process.

Check out the Dirty Rig's MySpace page for the new demo version of 'Kickin' & Screamin'' and the most voted MySpace cover song of SIMPLE MINDS' 'Dont You (Forget About Me)' at www.myspace.com/dirtyrig

The band has written and nearly completed recording all of their songs to the follow up of Rock Did It. Look for Dirty Rig's new release to hit record stores in April. 2008.

Upcoming live dates:


12 - Dingbatz - Clifton NJ
13 - Rex's Bar - West Chester PA
14 - The Crazy Donkey - Farmingdale NY
26 - Crash Manshion - New York NY

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