LEAVES' EYES Vocalist LIV KRISTINE Issues Update On Filming For Upcoming DVD

September 30, 2007, 16 years ago

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LEAVES' EYES vocalist Liv Kristine and husband/vocalist Alex Krull recently travelled to Norway to shoot video footage for the band's upcoming DVD. Liv has issued the following update:

"We travelled with our crew along the incredibly interesting and breath-taking west coast of Norway. Our journey started in Stavanger, my home town. We filmed in sunny and rainy weather, which really shows the harsh climate of this region. We went through the fjords by boat and spent hours at the North Sea catching waves. We drove through the mountains, visited the old town of Stavanger, moreover, we did a lot of interviews, also with my family members. Most of the material will be presented on our upcoming DVD, however, it was also very important to gather nature shots for our special show at the Metal Female Voices Fest in Wieze, Belgium on October 20th. We would like the audience to see that we are very close to nature and that Norway is part of Leaves' Eyes. A warm thank you to hard-working Stefan Liebhauser (The Day After) and Gunnar Sauermann (Metal Hammer) who did a fantastic job, fixing this visually."

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