October 3, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news skullshifter cd

New Jersey-based metal band SKULLSHIFTER has begun work their second CD, a full-length entitled Inner Demons.

Guitarist/Engineer CJ Scioscia had the following to say about the upcoming release:

"This past weekend we gathered at my studio, Le Chateau Bow Wow Recording, and started tracking. We've had a lot of fits 'n' starts over the past year, as we were scheduled to start principle recording no less than 5 times. Every time we were foiled at the last minute. I'm glad we never made a posting until we actually started.

Dan (Davie) cut his drums to all 9 songs - no click tracks and he f**kin' nailed 'em!! No cheesing on the double-bass parts, no fixing in ProTools. His tracks are live, and they feel and sound great. We were so prepared for this that he did them all on the 1st or 2nd take. We probably took more time to set-up his kit and get the sounds than it took for him to play the songs. Preparation is a beautiful thing...

Next up are the rhythm guitars. I will get crackin' on those in the next couple of days, and Tom will start his on Monday. I'd like to get them done ASAP, but it'll have to be done between all the sessions I have coming up. However, we will be moving quick on this.

Here are the songs that we put down: 'Breaking Point', 'Day In The Sun', 'Etched In Sand', 'Exploiter', 'Forward Rearview', 'Last Mistake', 'The New Conspiracy', 'Strain', and 'Veil Of Deception'. These will all make the album, although we've not decided on a running order. I believe the CD will be around 45 minutes long - classic 2-sided vinyl album length.

The title will be Inner Demons. That was what Here In Hell was supposed to be called, but once we changed that from a full-length to an EP, we pulled the original title. Now it will finally have its 'Day In the Sun'..."

The band's debut EP, Here In Hell, was released in September of 2005.

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