Moshpit Tragedy TV Presents: HANGOVER OVERDOSE

October 6, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news hangover overdose tv

Moshpit Tragedy Records has uploaded a two minute episode from their new 'Moshpit Tragedy TV' Series to the label's Youtube channel. The episode features live footage of the Finnish crust band HANGOVER OVERDOSE as well as information about their recently released Merry Crustmas EP which is available for FREE download from

Moshpit Tragedy also recently announced it will give away free high quality downloads from sludge metal act Devil's Son-In-Law, crust punks THE SKUDS, and anarcho punk band POWER IS POISON. These albums come complete with printable sleeve artwork and come in a handy zip file. Samples can also be streamed on a flash record player on the label's website.

View Moshpit Tragedy TV's Hangover Overdose Episode below:

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