DEATH/CONTROL DENIED Legend Chuck Schuldiner's Mother Checks In

October 7, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news control denied death

Jane Schuldiner, mother of late DEATH/CONTROL DENIED legend of Chuck Schuldiner has issued the following update:

"Dear Fans,

I have received emails telling me that it has been a long time since I have been in touch. Life has been hectic and I remain busy working. My computer is so slow I don't like to go onto the internet very much, so I'm going to get Roadrunner so I can be more motivated to get my emails and answer faster. Also, as much of you know, I have moved and rented a PO box for my mail until I settled into my new address, which I finally am. So you can now write to me at my home address, which I will give you at the end of this message.

I want to thank you all for your continued support, all the emails remembering Chuck and sharing memories with me. You really have enriched my life. One fan from Australia send me an absolutely wonderful portrait of Chuck, painted on canvass. When I took the wrappings off it I was in tears, it was just like looking into Chuck's face. His sister and nephew felt the same. I have it in the living room on an antique easel where I can look at it everyday. This time of year I always dread, the holidays and another December 13th. I look forward to having the consolation of so many of you remembering that day with me and I am so thankful for that. It still seems so near, that time. Not long at all.

I have just a few shirts left, 11 Leprosy, 4 Symbolic shirts and 10 gray Let The Metal Flow shirts, and the books. I can't hold these for anybody, I am going to sell those shirts to the first ones that I receive an order from in the mail. Then I am going to think about what is next, I have some ideas.

Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.

Jane Schuldiner

1330 Eastin Avenue

Orlando, FL 32804


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