Guitarist Mike Amott On Rise Of The Tyrant: "This Album Has The Elements Of The Old ARCH ENEMY"

October 12, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news arch enemy has issued an interview with ARCH ENEMY guitarist Mike Amott, conducted by Shaq. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Lets talk about your brand new album, Rise Of The Tyrant; the album is very much in the vein of older Arch Enemy, was this intentional?

A: "A little bit, I think so as well. I think this album has the elements of the old Arch Enemy and also the stuff we did on our last two records. What we wanted to do was to make something that was extremely action packed, lots of intricate arrangements, little things that keep changing and every time they come around they’re a little bit different. Lots of harmonies, lots of speed, lots of power, lots of guitar solos. We really wanted to make an intense metal album that was fun to listen to."

Q: How did the return of your brother to the band influence the album?

A: "Well, he had an influence. But I’ve been writing on this album for two years before he rejoined. So, most of it was actually done, as far as writing went. We did do a couple of co-writes together; like 'The Last Enemy' and a song called 'Vulture' which closes the album. Those were co-writes that we pretty much did from scratch. I really wanted his flavor as much as possible on the album because he has a different style and moods for the sake of variety I think it’s good to have his flavor on there as well. I tried to put as many of his little parts as possible across the songs that were already completed."

Read the full interview at

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