MORGANA LEFAY Vocalist, TAD MOROSE Guitarist Resurrect SEPHER JEZIRAH; Official MySpace Page Online, Gearing Up To Record Old Material

October 15, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news sepher jezirah tad morose morgana lefay

MORGANA LEFAY vocalist Charles Rytkönen and TAD MOROSE guitarist Christer "Krunt" Andersson have resurrected their old band, SEPHER JEZIRAH. They have launched an official website at this location. No audio samples are available yet but the page will be updated regularly.

Sepher Jezirah's official bio is below:

"Sepher Jezirah was formed by Christer "Krunt" Andersson (Tad Morose), Charles "Chulle" Rytkönen (Morgana Lefay) and Tommi Karppanen (GOD AWFUL MACHINE and ex-Morgana Lefay member). They struggled along for some time looking for a drummer and after a while they managed to talk Stefan Persson (ICE FORCE) into joining the band, this was in 1985.

Krunt and Charles had been playing together in a other local band called MANIFEST (that band changed name pretty often) since the age of 15. However, it was with Sepher Jezirah things started to happen, they grew a small but dedicated fan base around their hometown of Bollnäs.

Sepher Jezirah never recorded anything during their three year career. They split up in 1988. After a while Charles and Tommi joined what would become Morgana Lefay. Tommi played bass in Sepher Jezirah since they couldn´t find a bass player, wich was a pitty since the songs were written for two guitars. He played guitar on the first three Morgana Lefay albums: Symphony Of The Damned, Knowing Just As I and Secret Doctrine.

Krunt formed Tad Morose in 1992. Stefan left the music scene. After a few years some of the old fans started to ask for a 'reunion' and after some 13 years it happend! Stefan joined in for the reunion and to complete the line-up they asked Peter of Morgana Lefay to join so that the old songs could be played as they were ment to be with twin lead guitars and harmonies. Peter was also one of the old time fans so they didn´t need to ask him twice. They did a show at the Trash Club in Bollnäs in 2001 at a friend's birthday party (whom also was an old time fan) After this, the fans demanded that Sepher Jezirah should enter the studio and record an album. Everybody in the band agreed since they really enjoyed playing the old songs.

So sometime in the near future they will record their old songs and we will see what will come out of that. The music of Sepher Jezirah is something like a cross between Morgana Lefay and Tad Morose. Some fans say that it's in the vein of FATES WARNING, CRIMSON GLORY and SAVATAGE and that Sepher Jezirah was way ahead of their time and that's why they didn´t get any big recognition."

Current line-up:

Vocals: Charles "Chulle" Rytkönen (Morgana Lefay)

Guitars: Christer "Krunt" Andersson (Tad Morose)

Bass: Tommi Karpanen (God Awful Machine/ex Morgana Lefay)

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