Organizers Explain Postponement Of Atarfe Vega Rock Festival 2007

October 23, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news

Organizers of Spain's Atarfe Vega Rock Festival have issued the following:

"As some of you will know due to official statements that can be red in the websites of some of the bands confirmed for the Atarfe Vega Rock Festival 2007, we sadly have to announce that the festival must be postponed until March of 2008, as a result of the damages caused by the floods that the city of Atarfe suffered, and about them all media from Spain informed.

The “200 litres / m2” heavy downpour has meant 20 euro millions worth damages. These Damages, as well as the duties of the engineers of the insurance companies, don’t let us celebrate the Atarfe Vega Rock Festival the coming 1st of December in the Bullring and its area, as it was announced.

We’ve had a meeting with the Major and the local authorities to show them how worried we were about it, and to get a reply about this situation. They’ve always told us that the festival can take place as expected, and we have to respect it, to ensure the security of people who attend to the festival, bands and staff of the festival.

We’ve looked for an alternative location, but once again due to security reasons it’s been impossible to find another place in Atarfe. We’ve even tried to celebrate the festival in another city, but there was no suitable location available, where the festival could take place and we could work in the production required for this festival, taking in account that we didn’t have much time.

After searching without success an alternative location, and once we’ve reached an agreement with the City Hall and the confirmed bands, we’ve decided to postpone the festival until March of 2008.

Except due to date difficulties, we count on all the confirmed bands, as well as with other groups which will be also in the billing.

With regard to people who have bought their tickets, they’ll get their money back in the same stores, where they bought them. We really thank you for your support and loyalty.

Besides, we want to compensate those people who have bought a flight ticket to attend to the festival. For this reason they’ll get in for free in March, and they’ll get free drinks. It’s required that they send us an e-mail with the receipt of the flight ticket to verify it.

We’re very sorry about this postponement and the problems that it can mean to you, but no one expected that such a natural disaster could take place in Atarfe. We beg you for comprehension.

As well as you, this postponement affects us too, because we had booked some bands, which fortunately have understood this setback and have agreed to play in March.

In the same manner we’ve bought many international flight tickets for the bands, and now we’ll have to buy more to let the groups come and play in March.

Once again we beg you for understanding what it has happened, because this extraordinary situation is out of our control.

Best Regards.

Organization - Atarfe Vega Rock Festival."

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