Guitarist Alex Grossi Provides HOOKERS N' BLOW Update

October 23, 2007, 16 years ago

hookers news rock hard blow

Special report by Deb Rao

Guitarist Alex Grossi will be returning to the East Coast for a string of HOOKERS N' BLOW tour dates just in time for pre-Halloween festivities. Alex Grossi is part of a new breed of musicians, who are carving a niche in the music scene today with his bold, innovative guitar style. Alex recently performed to a sold out crowd with QUIET RIOT at the Woodstock Fair on Labor Day weekend in Connecticut. His soulful, passionate guitar approach to the QR hits was exhilarating. Alex performed a vast array of musical styles that night including the blues, classic rock, and metal. I recently caught up with the guitarist, as he gives exclusive details about the upcoming Hookers N' Blow Tour.

Deb Rao: 2007 is turning out to be a very exciting year for you. You will be returning to the East Coast to perform with Hookers N Blow on October 26. Who will be in this every changing line-up of HNB this time around?

Grossi: "I was planning on coming home during that time anyway, and when I was asked to participate in the Dragonfest Autism Benefit on 10/28, It just made sense to add a few more shows around it. This particular line up will be Myself, Dizzy Reed (GUNS-N-ROSES), Troy Patrick Farrell (WHITE LION) and Chad MacDonald (JANI LANE BAND). We are starting off at The Lucky Dog Music Hall (which, in my opinion is the coolest rock club in New England) and go from there."

Here is our list of upcoming shows...


21 - The Cat Club - Hollywood, CA
24 - Howl At The Moon - Universal City Walk, CA
26 - The Lucky Dog Music Hall - Worchester, MA
27 - The Compound - Fitchburg, MA
28 - Dragon Fest Autism Benefit Show - Hartford, CT (billed as Alex Grossi, Dizzy Reed And Friends)
29 - Jimmy's Seaside - Stamford, CT
31 - Howl-oween At The Moon - Universal City Walk, CA

Deb Rao: It is always great to see you play with Hookers N' Blow. What do the fans have in store for them on this upcoming tour? Was it hard to fit these shows into all of your busy schedules?

Grossi: "Hookers N' Blow has always been about who is available and when - Dizzy,Troy,Chad and Myself all had some down time and I would rather play music than sit on my ass and watch Rock Of Love, so there you have it! As far the upcoming shows, we have mixed up the set a bit, added some new stuff, as well as confirmed our first ever acoustic show which will take place at Jimmy's Seaside in Stamford, CT. On October 29th we plan on doing some deeper cuts off of GN'R Lies, as well a stripped down version of our regular set. I have a feeling by the end of the night it will feel more like a big living room jam, rather than a rock club -- Jimmy's is a great place to do a show like this...I would get there early, because it usually sells out."

Deb Rao: You also have performed on the GNR Tribute Album, Chinese Hypocrisy. You did a stripped down version of the classic GNR hit, 'November Rain', along with your former band mate vocalist Zoli Teglas from IGNITE. How did you approach the acoustic arrangement?

Grossi: "We just based our rendition off the pre-appetite demo of the song that has floating around on various GN'R bootlegs, we did it in one afternoon, w/ only a few overdubs. Zoli sang the shit out of it. I know you can now buy it on I-TUNES, check it out, if you don't like it let me know, and I will refund your dollar..."

Deb Rao: I understand that you were a special guest guitarist on the new IGNITE album? Tell us a little about that project. Are you in their new video that appeared on MTV 2 Headbangers Ball?

Grossi: "I played some guitar on Ignite's Our Darkest Days (which actually came in at #2 on the rock charts in Europe last year when it came out). They shot the video for 'Bleeding' around the same time and MTV finally gave it a few spins this year. I am very happy and proud of them! I did not appear in the video (check it out below)."

Deb Rao: In July, you had a great opportunity to perform with Quiet Riot at Rocklahoma. Tell me about this experience. At such a young age, to be performing at a festival with so many veteran '80's performers. what was running through your mind at the time onstage?

Grossi: "Ya know, with all do respect, it was really just another show. It was great to be part of what people have called an "Historic Event", but QUIET RIOT had 2 more shows that weekend, We were pretty much in and out of there."

Deb Rao: What your favorite highlight from Rocklahoma?

Grossi: "Seeing Y&T; was great, they really stood out amongst the acts that I saw, It was also, um, uhhhh...Interesting to see what some of the people I know from Hollywood look like in the DAYLIGHT!"

Deb Rao: Alex, you recently performed on the MÖTLEY CRÜE Tribute album, Too Fast For Love. Tell me how that transpired and who you worked with on that album?

Grossi: "John Corabi called me from Fred Coury's studio and asked if could come down and lay down some tracks on his re-make of 'Home Sweet Home'. went in that night and just went for it!"

Deb Rao: Any plans to maybe release an Alex Grossi instructional guitar video or solo guitar album?

Grossi: "No, but I have been thinking about releasing a Cook-book, I make a mean macaroni and cheese!.....good stuff!"

Deb Rao : As a guitar player, what do you hope to accomplish in the future? You already have performed with so many great bands. What are you looking forward to in the future?

Grossi: "I would just love to continue to play music for a living and have fun doing it!"

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