MONSTER MAGNET's Dave Wyndorf Talks Movie Soundtracks, Solo Album

October 24, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news monster magnet

Metal Hammer Germany recently conducted an interview with MONSTER MAGNET singer Dave Wyndorf.

While talking about the band's new album, 4-Way Diablo, and his peculiar lyrics, Dave revealed his plans for the near future.

According to Dave, he has three plans right now:

1. Finishing his album with movie-soundtracks. There is no film actually that uses his tunes, but it shall be film-music anyway.

2. Completing a solo record. Release date and album title are not confirmed yet, but it shall consists of peculiar and small songs. A lot with piano and somehow similar to Monster Magnet's smaller and mellower songs.

3. Finish another Monster Magnet record, as the songs on 4-Way Diablo are basically two years old. A heart attack after an overdose of pills had forced him to take a time out.

Read the entire interview here.

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