Bassist James Lomenzo - "Why MEGADETH Has The Best Fans In Heavy Metal"

October 25, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo has issued the following update:

"Hello friends, James here typing away feverishly in Indonesia. I've been having a bit of trouble with my cell phone on this trip so my SayNow activity is being pretty much compromised however, I just had a chance to check in on the SayNow site and was really blown away by the selfless messages of support and good wishes from the great folks that called in. Many of you, I've spoken to a few times and know who you are, to those folks and some of the newer call ins I want to sincerely thank you for your good wishes regarding my family and friends in So. Cal. Let me tell you that my family is safe and as far as I know my home is OK. We're still waiting for word on my father-in-Laws house in Rancho Bernardo and my thoughts and prayers are with him and the rest of my family as well as the hundreds of thousands of people who are currently displaced and suffering by the fate of this tragic situation. It's difficult to not be distracted when you can't be with your family and friends to help out when there's so much chaos at home but, your good wishes and prayers do have the power to help ...and they do. This is a unique situation, to have such caring, empathetic fan support. Me and the fellows are so inspired, 'makes us dig in a little harder for y'all if you know what I mean. Anyway, tonight... the aptly named Tour Of Duty marches on in Jakarta! Fantastic show the other night in Thailand and we expect it to be just as off the hook here, in Singapore, Seoul and with our 'old friends' in Japan and Australia. This is a real privilege to have the opportunity to bring Megadeth live, to these great countries (most of which I've never visited before). It's been great seeing some of my old bands albums surfacing and meeting old WHITE LION/PRIDE & GLORY fans. I get a real kick out of knowing that my music's been here right along with Megadeth's for all these years. Has a very homogeneous feeling. Anyway, I just want to convey my thanks to the best fans in Heavy Metal."

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