MERCENARY Singer Issues New Recording Update

October 30, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news mercenary

Danish metallers MERCENARY check in with the following update from singer Mikkel Sandager:

"Hey everyone,

Just a quick update on the progress of things. Right now I have finished my third day of recording the vocals for the next Mercenary album.

As always it is very very exiting to be allowed to make the vocals for such talented made music. They have done it again I truly believe. But as always it is seriously hard work. After the first three days I have completed the clean parts for 4 songs... so only 7 to go!

I am really looking forward to hearing the finished result as I am doing all my tracking to drums and guitar tracks only.

Gotta go boys and girls... 10 hours of recording takes it's tole... untill the next time...

Mikkel out."

As previously reported, Mercenary are currently in Jacob Hansen's studio in Ribe recording their follow-up to The Hours That Remain. More updates as they surface.

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