ARCH ENEMY Guitarist Mike Amott On Rise Of The Tyrant Album: "We Wanted To Make Something That Was Quite Over The Top"

November 2, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news arch enemy has issued an interview with ARCH ENEMY guitarist Mike Amott, conducted by Spiritech. The following is an excerpt from the chat:

Q: To my ears the new album possesses some of your heaviest material in some time, yet also some of your most melodic moments. Is that something you aimed to do with the album?

A: "Yeah, we wanted to make something that was quite over the top. I don't know, to me, Doomsday Machine and Anthems Of Rebellion were of a certain style, we were in a certain zone as a band writing wise, production and everything. We just wanted to break that trend and do something a little different: that's why we went to a different studio, different engineer, different underwear! (laughs) I've been wearing the same underwear for two albums."

Read the full interview at PyroMusic.

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