SOILWORK Drummer Issues Statement Regarding Passing Of DECAPITATED Drummer Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka

November 3, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news decapitated soilwork

SOILWORK drummer Dirk Verbeuren has issued the following statement regarding the tragic death of DECAPITATED drummer Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka, who succumbed to his injuries in a Russian hospital following a recent road collision:

"I'm truly devastated about this untimely passing. Vitek was without a doubt one of the most talented and hard-working extreme metal drummers around. He was a great inspiration to me, a mind-blowing force behind the kit. To die at such a young age and in such dramatic circumstances is just horrible. My deepest condolences to his wife and child, his family and friends, and to the band. Vitek will be sorely missed. R.I.P. Vitek."

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