SEPULTURA Frontman DERRICK GREEN Checks In From India - "I Can't Help Feel That Coming Here Has Added To The Evolution Of Sepultura"

November 5, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news derrick green sepultura

SEPULTURA frontman Derrick Green has issued the following update from India:

Day 6 - 31/10/07 - Shillong

"We happen to be staying in the center of town but I don't think that it really matters. I don't think there was much of anything in the city a few years ago and now it's struggling to make a name for it self. None of our telephones are working and there is no internet that we know of, our contact with the outside world seems to be cut off. We walk around town and see flyers posted everywhere but from seeing the people I can't imagine who would go to our show or who would be interested in heavy music. People are struggling to survive with the bare minimal and I believe they have less then what they have in Delhi. Then there starts to emerge people who approach us and more we walk through the streets. There enthusiastic about the show and are curious at the same time. They do not have many shows here actually none at all except for MR. BIG who passed through not too long ago. I haven't heard the name Mr. Big in a very long time but you could see flyers and billboards from his past performance. I couldn't help but laugh to myself Mr. Big and now Sepultura. I don't think the people even know what to expect next.

The police demand that we start the show earlier then what's posted on the flyer's and the local paper. They want this over with the sooner the better. There is not much we can do it's out of our hands and there are more of them then us and they have very large bamboo sticks and automatic rifles. The stage is enormous and it's being held up by bamboo in the middle of the Shillong polo club. It strikes me as strange that this place has a polo club because this is a game of the extremely rich and I find it hard to believe that the locals are into polo.

The show starts and I climb the stage and see the people far far away from us which drives me crazy because I prefer to be as close as possible to the people. The reaction from the first song is a reassurance that they are feeling it no matter how far they are away. Jean has been sick for the past few days and was been struggling to fight off a fever and body pains but performs to the utmost and beyond without missing a note.

It's cold and after the show I jump into a car back to the hotel the last thing that I want to do is get sick from hanging out in the dressing room. It's not easy to sing a full set in the cold night time air but I felt powerful and thankful that everything worked out in the end. One more show to go but there is the deadly voyage back to the airport ahead of us."

Day 7 - 01/11/07 - Travel Day To Bangalore

"We start the day early and the promoter Cyrus explains very loudly to our drivers to drive slowly and take there time because the roads can be more dangerous going down hill. I prepare myself mentally and climb into the car for the four hour drive through completely disastrous roads. It's not too long into our journey when we get stuck in a long traffic jam there are a few trucks along the way that are broken down and are blocking the two lane highway . The police are called in to clear traffic but it even looks like the military are encountering car trouble themselves. I witness a group of soldiers pushing a large military vehicle off the road it's almost comical but the last the thing I want is to miss our flight. Traffics begins to move after awhile and we are slowly making our way to the airport. There are many kids in uniforms going to school the closer we get to the airport. There are many catholics living in Shillong I had no idea but there are almost 70 percent in this area.

We make it on time but the security is extremely tight in this part of India and they go through our bags more then once and ask for our flight tickets at every turn. We are close to a few different borders and the threat of terrorism is a strong reality they tell us. This time we have two layovers before we arrive in Bangalore and it will take all day. There is one good thing out of this which is we don't have to leave the plane during the layovers.

It's 11 at night when we finally arrive in Bangalore and it's not as nearly as hectic as Delhi was and we are not far from our hotel. Close to our hotel there is a parade going on with people dressed in vibrant colors and even camels marching in a formation. The contrast is radically different from where we came from. I'm exhausted but excited at the same time, tomorrow is a day off and I have no idea what to expect."

Day 8 - 02/11/07 - Bangalore

"I didn't sleep well at all I don't know what it could have been maybe the strong smell of mildew in my room or the anticipation of the day ahead of me. We all spent the day looking and shopping for items but I had written down some historical places I wanted to see. I don't think I will have time today because there is a press conference for the band and a meet and greet with some fans. I was told a few times that Bangalore is filled with many metal heads and is also the home of Kingfisher, the sponsor for our shows. They also happen to make a great beer and have an amazingly friendly airlines company that made our travels a little bit easier.

At the press conference it is packed and we are greeted with a a very warm reception from everyone. Many of the journalist have good questions and the fans are screaming out of there minds with joy. You can't help but want to scream back, it just feels so good to be amongst people so passionate and appreciative for music. We all have a feeling that this will be the best show on the tour but it is hard to say because all the shows have been great.

The promoters want to take us to club where they are playing electronic music and we all agree because we want to see something different then the typical rock bar. The place is kinda of outside and there is a sign above the door which reads 'Couples Only. We enter and seem to be making up the majority of the crowd, it's early but places close early, 11 to be exact. We make the best of it by jumping around dancing and having a good time. People are very kind and and ask for photos at the end of the night. Again I'm surprised that people even know who we are but there are many surprises that have been happening since we arrived.

We are forced to end the night early which is a good thing so we can start the next day fresh for the last show."

Day 9 - 03/11/07 - Bangalore

"I started my day with the idea of wanting to see a place called Bull Temple. I read about it before and wanted to check it out along with any other places in the area. Jean was down to go so we got a driver and did a quick day tour of the city . The driver took us to a few places before Bull Temple one was the India Parliament building which was an impressive site. The other places I don't remember but were smaller temples where the people were praying to either Ganish the elephant god or Shiva. We were the only gringos present and were asked all the time for money not matter what we did. When we took off our shoes to enter the temple the guy who asked us to take them off wanted money, if we asked a question to someone then they would want money for there response. Bull Temple was very cool to see it was covered in this dark oil and gigantic in size. The priest blessed us and put a red dot on me and Jeans forehead, then asked for money.

The driver then took us to a the botanical garden which is filled with every type of tree and plant you couldn't possibly imagine. To walk around would have taken hours so we decided to get our own cart of course with a driver from the garden who we couldn't understand a word he said. It seemed like we were the only ones with a cart and people stared on as we raced paced them. The park was filled with lovers all over and it was the first time that I saw men giving women affection in public. We kept asking our driver to slow down and explain some the surroundings but I'm not sure he knew too much. In the end he asked for a tip which we declined to give him, we had no problem letting him know that he wasn't a very good tour guide.

We left to go do soundcheck in an area when you drive into has a gang of dogs lying all around that look close to death and they are spread out everywhere. I start to see people waiting for the show and the sound is the best we have had the whole tour. The shows start early in India which is a good thing because everyone including ourselves are filled with more energy. This time the crowd is a little closer to the stage and there are more people then all of the shows we have played. It's good to be able to see the faces and the reaction to certain songs I don't want it to end and the feeling of having to come back to this wonderful mystical places is overwhelming.

I can't help feel that coming here has added to the evolution of Sepultura which can never be denied or forgotten."

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