CELTIC FROST Mainman Issues HELLHAMMER Book Update

November 14, 2007, 16 years ago

news life in black hellhammer celtic frost

CELTIC FROST mainman Tom Gabriel Fischer has issued the following update:

"In the course of the past three weeks, while working on the manuscript of the HELLHAMMER book, I ventured twice to the godless rural settings of Hellhammer's rise in the early 1980s. I encountered an area that had been changed, to the point of being mangled, by greed, ignorance, and egotism. This was hardly a revelation. I had always been made aware by the local inhabitants that they felt I was vastly mismatched among their mental and behavioral structures.

It was an experience of distinctly mixed emotions and recollections to visit the places where, so many years ago, we enwrapped ourselves with the darkness of Hellhammer's music in order to seek distance from a world we detested and refused to surrender to. Now, it all seems dead. The aura of these locations, once so pronounced, has all but disappeared, in spite of the inherent personal history. The building under which we rehearsed, the paths we walked uncounted times, the spots in the forests where we took our earliest photographs, they are all lifeless now, and there exists no trace of the untamed fire that once affected everybody and everything around us. And yet it is alive within ourselves."

Photo: self-portrait, taken on the steps to the Grave Hill bunker, Hellhammer's former rehearsal room, Birchwil, Switzerland, October 26, 2007.

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