TIGERTAILZ Guitarist Jay Pepper: "I Think We Now Know What People Liked About Us..."

November 22, 2007, 16 years ago

news rock hard tigertailz

Metal Sickness has issued an interview with TIGERTAILZ guitarist Jay Pepper. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: What are the differences between the new Tigertailz and your earlier incarnations, besides the personal stuff?

A: "I think we now know what people liked about us and don't get to distracted by looking at what other bands are doing. In my view Tigertailz has always had something that other image bands didn't - we are much heavier in a kind of Ozzy/Crue sort of way and have never really dealt in that sleazy kind of 12 bar boogie sound. We spend a lot of time in writing songs for albums and don't just throw any old rubbish down.

Q: Thrill Pistol is up to be distributed worldwide now. How do you feel before the release of this album?

A: "Under the circumstances with Pepsi being so ill, I can't quite believe we actually finished this album. We managed to keep him well enough so he could help with the song writing and he managed to record his Bass parts before he got taken into hospital while we were still in the studio. As for the album, I think the first 5 songs on the record are some of the best tracks we've ever recorded and have a real new vibe."

Read the full interview at this location (for English translation scroll down).

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