ROB ROCK - "People Want State-Of-The-Art Quality, So I Think It’s Good To Stay As Current As Possible"

November 25, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news rob rock recently caught up with vocalist Rob Rock to discuss his new album, Garden Of Chaos. The following is an excerpt from the interview: Would you say that Garden of Chaos is the natural succession of (previous album) Holy Hell”? And if yes, in which way?

Rob Rock: "Yes, My goal for GOC was to continue on where Holy Hell left off - with strong songs, fast pace and heavy riffs along with the melodic vocal lines. I did not want to make the exact same album so we progressed forward with a larger variety of songs and different vocal ranges to set this CD apart from Holy Hell." Roy Z handles the production duties on two songs. Why he wasn’t involved in the whole album?

Rob Rock: "Roy is a very busy and 'in demand' producer so it’s hard to make our schedules coincide. So we decided to do a 'vision and writing' session for GOC and get the foundation of the album very solid. From there we passed the production duties on to CJ Grimmark who did a fantastic job of recording the band in Sweden. The production and writing team of Roy, CJ and I made sure that the quality of GOC would equal or surpass that of Holy Hell and I believe we succeeded." In my review of the album I characterized Garden of Chaos traditional metal music wrapped in a modern production in order to be fresh and current. Do you agree with this and do you think it is necessary for traditional metal bands to update their sound so as to be more competitive?

Rob Rock: "I think 'melodic metal' might be more accurate because 'metal' has so many variations these days but yes, I agree that GOC sounds very fresh and current. I think it’s always good to sound as fresh and new as possible with each recording. People want state-of-the-art quality so I think it’s good to stay as current as possible."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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