VAINGLORY - Two Print Interviews And Podcast Available

December 2, 2007, 16 years ago

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VAINGLORY guitarist Corbin King and vocalist Kate French are featured in separate interviews conducted by Excerpts from both appear below:

Corbin King

MM: Every guitarist has a wide range of influences, so let's narrow this down: which ONE guitarist is the biggest influence on you and why?

CK: "Well, if I can only choose one I will go with Yngwie Malmsteen. Overall he has impacted me the most. His complete and total command of the instrument is absolutely not of this earth. I have never witnessed another guitarist breathe the instrument as he does. I know lots of folks shit talk him and whatever, but I can assure you he is the real fuckin deal. I have many other influences that cover all the aspects I have digested over the years to mold into my own, but to stick with the requirements of this question I must go with Yngwie."

MM: You're into theory, instruction, technique, and kicking ass on guitar. One could say you are one with the guitar. Do you play any other instruments ?

CK: "Guitar is the one and only instrument that I will actually profess that I can play well. But I can keep some fairly good beats on the drums and playing bass isn't that big of a deal, at least the way I approach it! Hahaha....just basically playing the same type of lines as I do on guitar except I think it out a little different /harmonically/ melodically so the bass covers with the drums more and also compliments the guitar lines with harmony where needed."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Kate French

MM: What would you say is the BIG difference between the last CD and this new one ?

KF: "Aggression and dynamics. It will be edgier."

MM: One of the things I can say about you is that you are extremely talented vocally. Great range, power, and subtlety when needed. Have you ever done, considered, or in process of doing anything other than metal ?

KF: "I have actually, I have done all forms of music. I did opeaa in college. As for recordings, I have done the screamo stuff, pop, folk, rock, country (if you can believe that) new age, torch songs, and attempted to do Indian stuff (y'know, Egyptian type trills). I just love music and things that make sound, from a dulcimer to arranging strings. If it makes a sound I will try to play it. I think my favorite thing I've ever played was a full size harp; very hypnotic. So, to answer your quesion I have done A LOT, but I always come back to the thing I love the most......singing heavy metal. It's powerful. I love it."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

In addition, a podcast from M.I.B. featuring King and French is available here.

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