DEEP PURPLE - New Steve Morse Q&A Available

December 3, 2007, 16 years ago

news deep purple riff notes has posted a new Q&A; session with DEEP PURPLE guitarist Steve Morse. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You stepped into a well established band 10 years ago. Any slight case of the nerves? By the way Your sound fits very well with the boys. Thanks for the tunes, tell the others also. Peace/Love.

A: "Actually, the discussion that we were going to have 4 shows together to see how we all liked it began about 14 years ago! 13 since we played together on that first trial. I have played onstage my whole life, and I don't usually get a case of the nerves, but I do get excited before each and every show. Sometimes, 2 hours before a show, you just can't imagine how you're going to find the energy because of not enough sleep or something, but then as you arrive backstage, there is always that rush of adrenaline and anticipation. I think it's a good thing, and it shows that each performance means something to you. My biggest case of being nervous, though, was playing classical guitar, solo, for my instructors and the student body of the music school at my senior recital. There was no precedent for that in my life, and all of the sudden, I had the most difficult gig ever. Second place to that was playing solo classical at Carnegie Hall.....I wanted to do it, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous before that one. My key to handling that was to say to myself (onstage), 'why do you play guitar? Oh yeah, because you enjoy it!' So then I tell myself, 'Now stop watching your fingers play, and make some music that you feel and enjoy!' "

Read the full session at

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