KATAKLYSM Cancel UK, Iberia Tour With BEHEMOTH; Frontman Explains

December 14, 2007, 16 years ago

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Canadian extremists KATAKLYSM have decided to cancel their upcoming UK/Iberia tour alongside friends BEHEMOTH, scheduled for next February.

Explains singer Maurizio Iacono, "First I'd like to say how crazy of a ride it's been since the release if ITAOD (In The Arms Of Devastation. We've done over 200 shows in less than two years... Nine tours across the world and meeting all our fans was the highlight. They made our last album the biggest and strongest to date.

It's been great, but the machine needs time off.

There's nothing more we like than to stay on the road non-stop, but we have to come to reality here and see that we need to take a breather, recharge our batteries and come back stronger then ever with a brand new album, because we will have to re-do this all over again in no time.

We didn't want to cancel the tour with Behemoth, but after much thought it was the right decision. J-F has to keep working through January on the new album, so he gets absolutely no break time, which isn't fair. Then we have to mix it in February, and we need to be here to supervise this new masterpiece we created for you guys.

Prevail is the priority for next year and it needs our full attention... But don't worry, we have A LOT of plans ahead of us, and we will be back in no time at all. Also this doesn't affect the New Zealand and Australian dates in late March, those will go ahead as planned.

Other than that, the band is doing great, Steph will be rejoining us for the last four shows of this tour with CHIMAIRA, which has been great. We got a couple more dates left, check our MySpace or website and come check us out, these will be the last dates til the next record comes out. I'd like to wish everyone out there some happy holidays with your loved ones."

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