RAGING SPEEDHORN Issue Post-Euro Road Report

December 17, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news raging speedhorn

Britian's RAGING SPEEDHORN have issued the following road report from guitarist Gareth Smith:

"It's weird when you get to the end of a tour..it's usaully, as it is now, mixed feelings..

I'm going home tomorrow, exhausted, dirty and hungry. I miss my wife, my dog and my apartment. On the other hand, I'm sad because last night we said goodbye to some amazing new friends on the road... it's weird to feel both happy and gutted at the same time.

We just did 3 really intense weeks supporting CARNIVORE in Europe. We do everything for ourselves and at times it's pretty hardcore... this time we didn't even have our 7th member, Lee, with us :-( We had some fucked up drives over the Alps, through the hills in Czech Rep, got ripped off on the French roads and barely made it to a couple of the shows because our van is so slow... sorry Betty you are!

One night and day, we drove 14 hours between Torino and Saarbrucken, got delayed by snow on top of the Alps and got to the show 30 minutes after we were supposed to start. Thankfully, Carnivore's wonderful tour manager Lotje pushed the show back for us, and Tom and Roy, their guitar and drum tech, helped us load in, un-pack and set up and we ran in and played the show! It was a good show too! Even their sound guy Mark did our sound for us out of pure kindness... I wanted to kiss those guys for being there for us..."

Read Gareth's full report here.

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