MIDDIAN Required To Change Name; Band Dropped By Metal Blade Records

December 17, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news middian

MIDDIAN, featuring Mike Scheidt, former band leader of YOB, check in with the following update:

"So, we had a hell of a time finding a name. When Middian was suggested, we did a search and found nothing out there. So we went ahead and called ourselves Middian.

However, in October, we received a cease and desist demand from Midian of Milwaukee, LLC. After checking our options, we have found ourselves with no choice but to comply with the demand.

So, Middian no longer exists. We have also been dropped from the Metal Blade roster as a result of this litigation, being unable to sell our album Age Eternal ever again as well.

The three of us are still going to be playing music together. It just isn't going to be Middian anymore. We do not know what it is going to be called at this point. But we are still really into playing music with each other.

Lots of folks were really good to us during the course of our existence and we really appreciate it. Please keep an eye out for us. Hopefully, you'll be hearing from us very soon.

We are too overwhelmed with the situation to respond to e-mails regarding this, so don't take offense if we don't reply. Trust that we are grateful for people's love and support and ours is with you.


Mike, Will, and Scott."

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