CELTIC FROST Mainman Tom Gabriel Fischer - "The Fall Of A Year"

December 23, 2007, 16 years ago

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CELTIC FROST mainman Tom Gabriel Fischer has posted the following message at his official blog:

"The weeks seemingly merged into one continuous, viscous current of day and night and information increasingly difficult to bear. Emotions decreased to slow-motion speed, he began to subsist in the dark, the shutters on all the windows of his place closed at all times. A self-exiled prisoner, escaping from life and the world therein by means of sleep; a never-ending sleep, pierced only by restless dreams. His existence reduced to brief periods of slumped perception, when he would hear the rain outside. He would open the window just barely an inch and attempt to sense the moisture in the air that caressed his face through the slits in the shutters."

(Photo: Japan, January 2007, photographed by Anders Odden)

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