CHRIS CAFFERY - "Merry Christmas To All...Sleepless In Michigan"

December 24, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news chris caffery

TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA guitarist Chris Caffery has checked in with the following Christmas update:

"Hello everyone!

I hope you are all having a safe, fun and happy holiday season. It is a bit difficult to write to 29,000 people individually, so I figured it was an ok time for a bulletin again!

TSO arrived in Rochester, Michigan this afternoon for our Christmas break. Not exactly home, but it is a very nice town. The hotel is amazing and the whole main street is covered in Christmas lights. I have never seen anything like it.

We had an amazing dinner at The Chop Shop restaurant here and headed back to the hotel.The whole town closed up at 9PM until Wed. morning. This is not a terrible thing because I do need the rest and have been a bit sick on this tour. I managed to get to bed quite early...BUT, I woke up at oddly enough 12:24AM and can't fall back to sleep. I have always had this problem on Christmas Eve, since I was a kid. So, I sit here, sleepless, typing and watching the Christmas Story marathon on TBS.

We have TSO band dinner tomorrow at the hotel, always a great time! The tour has been so amazing this year. We have sold over 1,100,00 tickets and that number is climbing! Thanks to my friends and fans who have seen the show so far and thanks in advance to the ones who will see us in the final 2 weeks. Still 14 shows to go!

I hope you all have an amazing New Year, I am most likely going to spend most of the year writing and recording my new solo CD. I will also be in the studio helping to finish the TSO Nightcastle CD. I have a few shows planned for my solo band and of course will see you all next fall with TSO, but after nearly 10 months on the road in 2007 I really would like to stay in one place for a little while! never know what will come my way!

Once again Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"



p.s. "You'll shoot your eye out kid!!!"

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