HENRY ROLLINS - "It Was A Wild And Intense Hour"

January 5, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news henry rollins

HENRY ROLLINS has issued the following update:

I finished work on Ice 44 (or whatever the film will eventually be called) on December 20th and the next day left town for Islamabad, Pakistan. Why did I go there? A couple of reasons: I am curious and at the end of 2006, when I was in Dubai talking to some people who work for the US Gov’t, they told me Pakistan is a country I should stay out of. So, one night a few weeks ago I decided that I had to go. Arrangements were made and off I went for a week in Islamabad. I had no idea what I was going to do which is an interesting way to travel. I can’t recommend it but I can’t recommend many things I do. Anyway, I was there the day that Benazir Bhutto was assassinated which was a sad event, of course, but an interesting time to be there all the same. The day after she had been killed I walked around the Blue Section where all the shops are. I had just been there the day before, meeting people and taking it all in, but on this day the scene was quite different: tires were burning in the street, men were crying loudly, people were protesting and the police, dressed in riot gear, watched from the sidelines. I reckoned the best way to not stand out was to blend in, so I just walked into the middle of it and observed from there. It was a wild and intense hour. Men marched to the intersection to join other men who were there and the numbers started to grow. Media descended upon the scene. It was wild. After awhile everyone seemed to have had their fill and the crowd dissipated and soon I was standing almost alone. I met a lot of people on this trip and they were all very friendly. The food was great, the women were beautiful and the nights were cold and clear. Besides the death of Ms. Bhutto and the open despair of so many people I encountered, it was an amazing trip.

Many years ago, a video of a talking show I did at the El Rey Theater in Los Angeles came out called You Saw Me Up There. It went out of print and remained that way until three days ago when it came back from the plant on DVD for the first time. It took awhile to get things straightened out with the label that released it in the first place, hence the very long delay. Thank you for all the letters you sent over the years asking about the status of this thing. I am happy to see that it’s back with us.

I will hopefully be touring on and off until the end of November this year. So far, the January and February European dates are all set as well as the ones in South Africa and a five week tour of America and Canada in February and March. Australian dates are set for April. I will see if I can do more dates at the Fringe Fest in Scotland in August. I had such a great time there last year, I would like to be part of it again this year if possible. I am hoping that I can go back out September through November in North America for more shows.

Remember last year when I sang with The Ruts in London as part of the benefit for Ruts guitarist Paul Fox? Sadly, Paul passed away several weeks ago but the show was captured on video and will be released in late January in Europe. There will be a release party on January 25th at the Shepherds Bush Empire. Also, the live version we did of the song Babylon’s Burning has been released for download.As it happens, I have a night off on the 25th and will be at the event introducing the film. The two remaining Ruts, Segs and Dave Ruffy, will be there and I’m sure some other cool punk notables will be as well, so it should be a great night, show up if you can. I will be onstage live at the Hammersmith Odeon the next night, that should be a good time, I love that venue.

The good folks at IFC have asked if I would do three Live & Uncut specials for 2008. Some of you may be familiar with the ones I did for them from New York and Israel. The first one will be shot in South Africa in February, the next will be in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I don’t know where the third one will be yet. We won’t be doing the regular show this year, they like it better when I am out and about and they got a very good response on the Israel show and want to do more. I am happy to be working with them again this year.

In 2008 I will release two books: Fanatic! Vol. 3 and A Preferred Blur. I don’t have firm release dates yet as they are both being worked on but when they are set to come out, I will let you know.


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