WRITTEN IN TORMENT’s Leviathan Injured In Accident

January 6, 2008, 16 years ago

written in torment news life in black

Leviathan, founder of UK black metallers WRITTEN IN TORMENT, fractured his skull and perforated his right eardrum in a freak accident recently, delaying the recording of the new album.

The band’s manager issued this statement “Leviathan was returning from celebrating the New Year, obviously a little worse for wear as you tend to be on these occasions, and slipped on the kerb; the next thing he new he was waking up in hospital. He doesn’t remember anything about the accident, but it appears that he hit his head on a parked car, and then hit the kerb, fracturing the base of his skull both inside and out, and piercing his right eardrum. He’s ok now, his right eardrum is healing, but he can only hear in mono at the moment, and he needs to rest while the fractures heal, so obviously recording the album is out of the question for the time being. I’d say he’s been pretty lucky. It could have been a lot worse”.

The new album, entitled Captured In Eternity’s Eye, will be the follow up to the band’s first release The Uncreation MCD. All instruments and vocals are handled by Leviathan himself, and the new album will mark a return to a rawer, harsher, sound for the band. Plans are under way to recruit and rehearse a live line-up with a view to touring once the album is released.

Tracks from The Uncreation and an un-mixed and un-mastered track from the new album can be heard on the band’s official MySpace page.

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