January 8, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news october file prong

Britain's OCTOBER FILE have issued the following update:

"Due to illness and with deep regret and disappointment we have had to cancel our participation in the PRONG tour.

Steve (Beatty), our bassist, contracted an ear infection over Christmas, which aggravated what was previously only very mild Tinnitus. Steve sought immediate treatment and advice during the Xmas break and we had hoped it would clear up in time for him to participate in the tour.

After rehearsal on Sunday just prior to the tour his condition got much worse to the extent he was in severe pain. The doctors have advised him that he cannot - until after seeking a specialist's advice and getting the correct ear protection - continue to be exposed to loud noise.

We had hoped Steve's infection would clear up enough so that he could get proper protection fitted in time to do the tour but they cannot fit these plugs for him until his infection has cleared, which unfortunately for him his infection and severe Tinnitus is still ongoing.

We cannot express the disappointment we feel at this time, we were so looking forward to this tour and we know a lot of people were looking forward to seeing us.

We can only hope Steve gets well enough to continue and we hope that soon we can announce new dates.

We wish Prong the very best for the dates."

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