BIF NAKED - Facebook Support Page Up And Running

January 12, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news bif naked

As previously reported, BIF NAKED was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. A support page has been launched on Facebook that allows fans to leave messages for Bif, post pictures and video footage, and interact with one another. Go to this location to show your support (you must have an active Facebook profile to view).

Bif recently issued the following blog:

"Happy New Year (or, as we say in Couvie: "happy nuke rear")! Highest blessings to everyone and I wish you all the very best things for 2008. Truly we are all so fortunate. Especially moi! Sooooomany reasons why... but my first and foremost reason is all of you! Thank you so much for all your warm wishes and good vibes! You guys fucking rule so hard!

I, obviously, do not want everything I talk about for the rest of my natural born life to be all "tit shit" so we will not. I will just say that I am happy and have cool new IRON MAIDEN sneakers to rock in zee cancer ward, yo! Ya feel me, bruthas and sistas?

I had to do an interview and press release cause I felt strongly about all of us women/grrls not being aware enough or confident enough or just plain weirded out by our own boobs. I didn't want one single woman to ever sit around in suffering in silence or being afraid to get checked out or say anything or think it can't happen to them. It can happen to anyone of us. Myself included! I want you to know I do not say 'why me?' I say 'why not me?' I did not cry for myself... I cried for Benazir Bhutto being stolen from the people. I cried for Kyle Swanson taking his own life. I cried for Darfur. And on and on. Life is so hard for so many people on this planet, we simply have to always look at the bigger picture.

And my bigger picture is rock and fuckin' roll! Always has been. I know we are going to have a killer recording schedule this spring, with my project with Machine, Jakkarta, and with the next Bif Naked record. Fuckyeeeaaaah! I'm so stoked I can't even begin to express it properly! Horns, baby! Horns!

I am self-conscious and kinda feel dumb about all the attention... But I hope at the very least - girls take their boobs more seriously. Even little bouncing vegan boobies, like the ones I sport, can't hide from good ol' cancerooni. So feel yerself up. It's fun anyway, right? I don't feel like I am any more special or different from any other human- cancer warder or otherwise. The only thing that makes me different from the other, superhumanbeautifulwarrior cancer patients is my G.G.Allin tee shirt and my trusty, LAMB OF GOD baseball cap. Word! Love and peace and serenity to you all. Metal!"




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