GENE SIMMONS Day Proclaimed In Honolulu

January 14, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard gene simmons

The following story is courtesy of Sam Slom from

GENE SIMMONS was the keynote speaker at the 32nd Annual Small Business Hawaii (SBH) Business and Investment Conference in Honolulu last Wednesday, January 9.

Gene Simmons joined a long and distinguished list of former SBH keynoters including Steve Forbes, William Simon, Dr. John Rutledge, John Fund of the Wall Street Journal, Wally "Famous" Amos, Howard Jarvis, Governors, Mayors and Congressmen, among others.

In his keynote speech to SBH, before a packed, sold-out, admittedly curious audience in the Ala Moana Hibiscus Ballroom last week, he spoke not of the "Ten Points to Make You Rich Like Me," but of the many more points and paths to personal success and happiness.

He stuck to the basics, like dependability, standing by your word, showing up, and the importance of a good work ethic. He was very specific and graphic. He stressed the fact that young people should do many different things and learn from each.

Gene Simmons emphasized the importance of business relationships and of the art of listening. He was hard on some people in the audience who asked him questions after his presentation – hard on them as a good mentor should be. He said they talked abstractly of their "ideas," but had not thought out the path to realization of those dreams and ideas.

Simmons, however, has a real soft spot for women (mothers in particular) and girls who he said should go to organizations like Junior Achievement early.

His speech ended with a prolonged standing ovation.

Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann presented an official proclamation declaring January 9, Gene Simmons Day in Honolulu.

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